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1st couple- Daksh and Aadya.

|| Dakshaa ||

"You have my name but you are not my wife. You are just a middle class girl who knows how to use your victim card.

In front of the world, You are my wife but in this Agnihotri Villa, You are nothing to me. "

Daksh coldly said these words in the front of his family while glaring at his newly wedded wife who was just staring at him with her done faces like she never cares about his words.

Aadya who was listening to everything with a bored expression on her face.

"We are going to sign the divorce Papers now, Mr. Daksh Agnihotri.

It usually takes around 6 months or more to complete the process under the court till now, we can sign the papers and submit in the court.

Look like I care? For me it does not matter if I'm your wife. And I know what type of person I Am.

I don't need any character certificate from you.

It's just a forced marriage for me, that's it..
You think, I have some high high hope from you ? that you will act like a lovey dovey husband.. Then forget it please..
I'm denying that you are my husband."

Aadya replied with a soft smile and calm voice, making everyone look at her with a shocked face.


2nd Couple - Uchatya and Divya

|| Ditya||

"We are married and that doesn't make you my wife.
Just remember, I'm nothing to you, I'm neither your husband nor you are my wife.

You are just a girl who will live with me. For me you don't exist.
I will give you respect, care and maybe a lil bit of trust but not a place of wife in my heart. "

Uchatya said calmly while looking at his newly wedded wife who was just listening to him patiently while glaring at him cutely.

"Wait and watch Mr.Husband.
I will make you fall head over heels in love with me.

And at that you will be the first person who will beg me for my love.
Don't worry, your respect, care and that lil bit of your trust.
I will make sure to turn your thoughts into only love thoughts that you will forget about your past life. "

Divya calmly expressed her words and kissed his forehead , making him look at her with an amazed expression like she is an alien who is not caring about those mean words.


3rd Couple - Vivaan and Riya

|| Vivyaa ||

"You are my wife, biwi. "
I will never let you down. I know you are heartbroken at this time.
But I'm promising you that in the future, you will forget that cheater and his name too.

But I'm begging you please never break my heart which I'm giving you for a lifetime.
From now on, all your wishes are mine. "

Vivaah said in his soft and calm voice and kissed her cheeks with so much affection and love who looked at him with her confused face.

Then she said,

" I'm promising you Vivaan that I will try to move on from my past.
Just give me some time. I will take care of your heart and please never beg from me for anything.

And don't worry, in future we will know who will be more romantic. "

Riya winked at him , making him cutely whined. She smiled at his childish behaviour and a smile came across on her face, making Vivaan smile too.


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